Llistar TÃtols
S'han trobat 13810 Ãtems
Llistant Ãtems des de 1175 a 1200:
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
2 desembre 2011 |
Assessment of virtual design and manufacturing techniques for fibre reinforced composite materials |
Gascons i Tarrés, Marc
2 desembre 2011 |
Assessment of virtual design and manufacturing techniques for fibre reinforced composite materials |
Gascons i Tarrés, Marc
Assessment of virtual design and manufacturing techniques for fibre reinforced composite materials |
Gascons i Tarrés, Marc
Assessment of wastewater phytotechnologies for the attenuation of emerging organic contaminants and development of innovative analytical methods for their determination |
Garcia RodrÃguez, Aida
23 setembre 2016 |
Assessment of wastewater phytotechnologies for the attenuation of emerging organic contaminants and development of innovative analytical methods for their determination |
Garcia-RodrÃguez, Aida
setembre 2012 |
Assetjament entre iguals i ciberassetjament |
Madrid Alejos, SÃlvia
Assetjament entre iguals i ciberassetjament |
Madrid Alejos, SÃlvia
2017 |
Assetjaments, abusos, agressions sexuals en estudiants d’infermeria en context de festa i sota el consum de tòxics: treball d’investigació |
Reyes Amargant, Zaira
25 novembre 2005 |
Assisted visual servoing by means of structured light |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
25 novembre 2005 |
Assisted visual servoing by means of structured light |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
Assisted visual servoing by means of structured light |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
7 maig 2022 |
Associació E5ence contra Trastorns de Conducta Alimentà ria |
Torres Gallardo, Berta
2018 |
Associació entre l’esquizofrènia i l’addicció al tabac: revisió bibliogrà fica |
Méndez Pérez, Marta
setembre 2013 |
Associacionisme juvenil a l’Alt Empordà : 20 anys de joves compromesos |
Claparols Pagès, Jordi
Associacionisme juvenil a l’Alt Empordà : 20 anys de joves compromesos |
Claparols Pagès, Jordi
Association between lactate levels and appropriateness of empiric antibiotic treatment in septic patients in the intensive care unit |
Vives Colilles, Laura
novembre 2016 |
Association between lactate levels and appropriateness of empiric antibiotic treatment in septic patients in the intensive care unit |
Vives Colilles, Laura
novembre 2015 |
Association between mesial temporal sclerosis and suicidal behavior in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: a 5-year prospective cohort study |
Ribot Grabalosa, Joan
Association between mesial temporal sclerosis and suicidal behavior in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: a 5-year prospective cohort study |
Ribot Grabalosa, Joan
2014 |
Association of early repolarization with risk of cardiac mortality in the general population |
Llorens Ferrer, Anna
novembre 2016 |
Association of methylation marks in monocyte nuclear DNA and platelet mitochondrial DNA with the risk of myocardial infarction |
Ruiz ArabÃ, Elisa
Association of methylation marks in monocyte nuclear DNA and platelet mitochondrial DNA with the risk of myocardial infarction |
Ruiz ArabÃ, Elisa
gener 2022 |
Association of SGLT2i treatment with functional capacity in patients with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction |
Rico Morales, Dolores MarÃa
25 octubre 2019 |
At the edge of aquatic systems: intermittent streambed microbial communities’ responses to hydrological alterations |
Gionchetta, Giulia
26 juliol 2021 |
Atena: Plataforma de divulgació i difusió cultural per als joves de Catalunya |
Collell Carreras, Júlia